February 7, 2014

New chandeliers design ideas

How about entertaining any empty wine bottle with this proposal? This is to reuse a bottle of your favorite wine and make chandelier, filling it with parfumed corks .

Materials needed
To make this original chandelier, you just need an empty bottle of favorite wine or shared drink. You will also use stained lacquer, varnish or white school glue and a brush. Then it is needless to mention the acetate and tape or a suitable tubular mold for candles, parafan (this ingredient is optional), brown color (we will use it in different amounts, but you can either get two tones, one lighter and one darker), a crochet hook or a thin punch, a candle or lighter to heat and wick or cotton thread.

Building the candlestick with bottle
The first step is to waterproof the label to wear it for a long time without damage. For this, you can use stained lacquer (barely touching the glass contour, to ensure that moisture does not touch the paper label) or white glue, brushing an even coat so that when dry, create a colorless film on the label. The same thing we do with the back label, or simply retire.


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