February 7, 2014

How to design a book christmas tree

With ingenuity, we can recreate the Christmas trees in many variants. Today we present some ideas to build your Christmas tree with books.

A Christmas tree with books
Books are unmatched in terms of their contribution to our lives. Teach us, educate, and entertain us. And with this idea, also we are allowed to make a Christmas decoration of different thing.

There are two simple ways to make a Christmas pine books. The variations depend on the size, whether you want to place it on the floor or on the furniture.

Pino books on furniture
In the case of placing small pine on the furniture, simply use some books, five or seven will be enough. Start with larger book about their height and width, regardless of its density (the number of leaves). Open it in half, and place it on the table, let it parallel to its edges, but something more open. Then repeat the operation with the next size of books, something smaller but not much, and place it in a different position than the first. Do this until filling all the cone size, ending with the smallest book. To simulate the star, you can use a pocket-sized book, or a small dictionary, symbolizing the spirit of this variant of books.

Largest Christmas pine on the floor
The second version of Christmas tree is much bigger books. To make it, you need a lot of books, you can use all books that you have available (this idea will be ideal for libraries, bookstores and similar stores).

Besides books, use items that give body to the pine, so to complete the empty space without requiring too much of books. You can use cans, furniture, boxes or anything, and even elements of different diameters, to create an internal body of approximately the shape of a pine tree. Covering this structure with a sheet or tablecloth dark.


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