February 13, 2014

Tips to organize home

In the previous article I talked about some tricks you can do at home to keep it clean and well organized. The order is most important to take the best decorations.

Some tips and some information never hurts, as I say often in the details-horse race. Sometimes small details or a few, you can make change the atmosphere of a place, to maintain order in the room and thus enjoy space environments.

In other words, space environments, I do not mean by how large your home .. if not by keeping it free of objects on the floor or on the table. Remember to keep some order in the home and when we live in the company of other family.

Sometimes with little tricks and tips, you can achieve greater things. This time I leave a few more tips for organizing the home and see that going well! One is to maintain order in the bedroom or work room of your child.

If you have colors, pens, markers .. usually all just messy .. scattered everywhere. To keep all these small items together, you can put some plastic cups in a baking dish that do not use. So you can add in all the things you have.

Is also an idea to take a few cans of food, wash, dry and paint or decorate. Remove tag and decorate with your children, you will see that monkeys are. Now you can store pens inside or anything stationary.

I love this idea, it is easy to implement .. you just buy velcro and voila! If you want a convenient and fast place to collect stuffed animals, places an adhesive velcro strip on the wall or wherever you see fit. At the time of collection, you just stick the stuffed animals, thus remain fixed on the wall and not the floor.

You can put one or more bands velcro, you'll see that the room you will be free of dolls at a time.



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