February 16, 2014

How to keep leather furniture

Hello, today I leave you with good advice to keep all your leather furniture. Have a leather sofa? if you do not know how to maintain it, here I leave some important notes.
Like everything else, if this type of furniture is cared for in a proper manner, the passage of time will not seem to go through them.
Not very complicated, keep the leather in good condition, but we have to be methodical and consistent.


That said, some of the most important tips to follow are as follows:
First of all, find out what type of leather you have at home. There are many types of this material and some require much special care.

A good idea is to try not to wet the couch, because once pass .. nothing happens .. but if you tend to put wet things somewhere in the same .. eventually breaks down.
To find out, you can read the labels or instructions which the manufacturer delivers the furniture.
Now, the second step is to clean the furniture to remove all traces of dirt or dust. You can do it with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner.


Now take liquid soap, not aggressive and mix it with a little water. Do not use other cleaners .. we do not want anything that might damage the leather.
Now dip a cloth in the mixture and try rescurrirlo well, so that it is wet. Now it happens all the cloth sofa. Then another cloth soaked in clean water and remove any soap residue.


Lastly, it is completely dry, dry cloth around the sofa. You will see that your furniture is much brighter.
Occasionally you can apply some cream to your sofa, so will keep you hydrated, shiny and smooth.
I hope you have helped these tips, folks!



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