February 14, 2014

Floor paint colors to cheer a space

When we narrow spaces in house, such as hallways or stairs, must make the most, clear and vibrant colors that help make these spaces not only look more attractive, but also have "visually" an appearance of plus size. In this case, it shows how well it fits the fluorescent green floor paint colors. Longer and gladly also in contrast to the rest of the stay.

As the hallways are downsized spaces, where we have a lot of traffic at home because they serve for connecting rooms, it is best to paint the walls in a light color. White is the perfect color, because if the green is a color that broad "visually" white makes it even more. So white walls with soil fluorine tone, are a combination that you must take to decorate your home.

This works especially well on wooden floors because the wood is usually easier to paint. But does not mean you can not paint colors fluorine soils if concrete because nowadays there are many alternatives in paint that easily adapts to such materials. So all you have to do is choose the color.
Convert the floor in the main color of the decor of your hallway, is a very wise decision, because it allows to give prominence to the same vibrant colors and also enjoy the practical side of the walls in a light color, or all white walls and ceiling The result is in sight, a beautiful interior decoration.
And if you want to beautify spaces, taking advantage of this suggestion, just adapt it to for example, a kitchen or bedroom, the floor paint is something that is widely used in the decoration of interior spaces.



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