February 9, 2014

Batik clothing designs

The dyeing technique of batik is a clever way to give new life to old clothes. Among the many ways to do this using the paraffin wax and is one of the most traditional.

Dye Batik with wax and paraffin
Batik is the successive application of layers of colors (dyes in fabrics, in this case) on a surface that try to be empty so that sectors, ie without being painted. For dyeing fabrics batik, you need anilines according to the type of fabric used, a punt for dyeing, paint brushes (if we do it with a brush) to apply the wax or paraffin melted in areas to cover, newsprint or other absorbent paper and, of course, fabric.

Steps to the art of batik wax and paraffin
The technique of batik with wax allows us to create specific designs. To do this, prepare the fabric (clean, free of soap , starch or other treatment) spreading on a straight surface (protected with newspaper or paper), then we melt the wax or paraffin and apply it, with the help of a brush, trying to create a design (which is what will be "blank" on the canvas. ") must meet either the treated surface to prevent penetration of the dye in this sector. then we let it cool for the wax paraffin or take consistency.

Then prepare the aniline in glass containers, following manufacturer's instructions. Mount waxed fabric to protect sectors on a frame, so it is very firm and fixed. With brushes, color the fabric. We can make a loose paint (aqueous) to notice that the designs are more blurred at the edges, and / or apply how many colors we want, mixing and making new designs and shapes.

We can dye a color, then remove the wax and apply another, or apply a color, without removing the wax, make another design wax before applying the second color. In this way, we can have "white" areas and areas with only the first color.

A note of interest is that we can make a mixture of paraffin wax and stearin, so that when it is applied in a thin layer on the fabric forms a kind of crackle, we will enter paint hairline cracks, making a latest design.

After finishing the job, we let it dry thoroughly , so that the aniline dye or become fixed in the fabric. Dry well, we will remove the wax by placing the cloth on absorbent newsprint, wax and cover with another layer of paper towels. We apply (do not rub) the warm iron over the paper to absorb the wax. We repeat this action as many times as necessary, and let the fabric rest at least for a day.

Finally, wash by hand and our garment will be ready.


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