January 16, 2014

The uniqueness of the boutique hotels the luxury of feeling at home

Large hotel chains often provide highly qualified services, but too standardized. The enormous buildings of conventional hotels (including the five-star hotel) offer elegant accommodations and manicured, but without a soul. The rooms are designed in chain, and there is no stamp of character that distinguishes a hotel of another. Before this monotonous picture, arises the boutique hotel as one of the hottest trends in the atmosphere of hotels. The slogan is simple: unique hotels such as a home, but with the luxurious services of the best lodges. 
 The concept of boutique hotel arose in the 80s in the United States, when Ian Schrager created the Morgans Hotel in New York. In recent years have multiplied the copies around the world, and there is no tourist destination that does not possess a hotel of this type. This is intimate establishments, relaxed, decorated with sophistication and good taste to the last detail, with casual environments to feel at home and generally without too many rooms. 
The exclusivity is the brand identity of the boutique hotel: no hotel is equal to another, no room is equal to another. With highly personalized services, the objective is that the visitor feels the only guest of the hotel
The uniqueness of the boutique hotels have a wide variety of styles: there are themed hotels (usually according to the place in which they are found, from a beach bohemia until a cold mountain peak), avant-garde hotels designed from scratch, and reconstructed historic hotels in old houses. It is common to install this type of hotels in private houses, and be cared for by their owners. 
Also called design hotels, hotels and high-end collection of hotels, the boutique accommodations often have with interesting collections of works of art and craft, that in many cases can be purchased after the stay (hence the designation of boutique ). The atmospherics are generally responsible to innovative designers, printing, where an individual tone to each one of the environments.
This exclusivity makes that, in their majority, the boutique hotels are catalogd between four and five star hotel, offering refined restaurants with cuisine from author and spas to all luxury with alternative treatments. However, there are also hostels and inns of range more economic, which are adapted to the taste of the boutique concept. 
Although at present the large franchises hotels have adapted many of their establishments to the boutique concept, the decorations are still always the spirit of a house with a lot of style. Whether inspired by the work of an artist, in the culture of a region in a historical period or in a decorative style, the boutique hotels have their distinction in the love put to every detail, from the soaps in the bathroom until the design of their swimming pools.


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