January 12, 2014

New design ideas for gardens

New design ideas for  gardens

I confess that I have never had the need to go to a professional to help me design my garden, because I've never had a garden. But I understand that for those who have their little piece of paradise on earth. To all of them, I dedicate this post for inspiring gardens beautifully designed by an Italian company.

I like these gardens for its apparent simplicity and, moreover, easy maintenance. Parterre In the center of a flower that I can not guess what kind it is. The idea of mixing a few natural elements, delimited paved with irregular slabs, seems to me a great inspiration for any garden project.

This new proposal also seemed desirable: one average sized pool framed with treated wood slats for outdoor perimeter around playing with geometry and vertical timber.

In this other image rectangular stone path with branches to get to the pool or the parking area of the house. The grass, perfectly trimmed, highlights the geometric shapes.

At the entrance of this property, there are mixed vegetables. The cobbled path solves a shortcut between the input and another part of the house, where there was a step in the worn grass. We hope these simple but resolute ideas help designing the gardens, large and small.


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