January 26, 2014

Ideas for decorating a small space

The decoration of an apartment can be a challenge, especially when management does not allow the paint or wallpaper. Some inhabitants of apartments are stuck with white walls, and the absence of color can be so depressing as the darkness. With a little ingenuity and a few creative ideas for decorating a small apartment, you can feel more like your own space, and will resemble more comprehensive than ever before. 
Consider the following creative ideas for decorating a small apartment, and convert your small apartment in a decorative and spacious residence.
Furniture : Options When considering a small apartment, opt for smaller pieces of well-designed furniture, and avoid overfilling of the rooms. A small apartment seems to be saturated and increasingly small that if all the walls are lined with the furniture and the open spaces if they are exaggerated. Arrange the furniture to keep the rooms as open as possible, and finish with the furniture that are not so necessary, you can live without them. It is better to keep a few elegant folding chairs in a cubicle to accommodate more people to fill the rooms with an excess of furniture.
Less is More : a hodgepodge of walls and decorations can make a small apartment to look messy. Reduce the size of its collections, and display some of favorites instead of completely cover the walls with art. Less is truly more in the décor of a house, and cluttering walls and shelves with too many elements of distraction is not good. The eyes do not know where she is focused, and it ends up being more as a disorder.
The Magic of Mirrors : One of the simplest ways to decorate a small apartment and make it look wider is with mirrors. To make a small room appear more spacious, framed mirrors are a beautiful mount on opposite walls. They reflect the natural light, as well as artificial light, the room looks bigger. The decorative wall mirrors are available in a myriad of styles to meet all the needs and every budget and preference of decor. They are ideal for the decoration of walls. 
 Once that his small apartment is decorated with beautiful tapestries, mirrors strategically placed furniture and well located, you will feel comfortable, cozy, and wider. Note that it is not the size of a house what matters. Use your unique style along with the above-mentioned councils of decor to convert to his small apartment in a comfortable place



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