March 5, 2014

Couch throws and slipcovers for sofas

If the old sofa does not like or maybe stains and holes mar the pleasure of seating, you have to dispose of a good piece not necessarily immediately. A beautiful union or a so-called sofa slipcover can also help here.

But even as a slipcover couch coatings are suitable. They are much easier to clean again when children or pets have left their mark on the romp.

Different types of coatings
Dressing of seats you have several options. The easiest way is of course a great bedspread . If the substance is only partly or temporarily to lie on the sofa - for example, while small children play there - is to be used quickly and easily the ceiling. However, the seat is not perfect here. On the sides hang over land and the union also slipped slightly.

An alternative is because the appropriately shaped slipcover . The fabric is sewn in the Timeline of the sofa, so that everything stays in its place.

Slipcovers are well suited when the cost of obtaining worthwhile and the coating is not only the hour stay on the couch. In addition to chair covers with solid form, there are also so-called stretch slipcovers , like a fitted sheet conform to the shape of the sofa.

Variety in the space design
The use of different throws and slipcovers allows you to give your living room according to the season or occasion again a new flair. The color of such a dominant piece of furniture such as the bed can eventually change the look of the entire room.

Courage to exceptional interior design ideas
A sofa union gives you also have the opportunity to let off steam creative in home furnishings with low risk. You can use a variety of colors and patterns without having to spend the same amount of money for an exceptional coffee, where you may have seen enough after a year!

Whether East or Asia style, zebra or tiger pattern, dots, flowers or checks: concealing your sofa with an original decorative fabric of your choice and you can open the chance to always remove the cap easily again!

A coffee union also offers many advantages: it protects the bed, face down unsightly signs of wear, and always brings new colors and patterns in your home. And all at completely affordable rates. What more could you want?


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