January 19, 2014

The lighting in the decoration of the hotel

The light is very important in the hotel decor because it makes the same take life, both outside and inside. That is why you should never underestimate its relevance, taking into account that makes the color more brilliant or opaque, so that we can use it to create different effects. For this reason you should always take into account the orientation of the hotel when it comes to choosing the colors. 
 Why below we provide some details that must be taken into account, with the goal of achieving program of the best way possible, the effects of light in the hotel structures. 
 - Firstly it is important to bear in mind that never should illuminate evenly the spaces. The best thing to do is search for different sources of lighting making use of artificial light, and by way of contrast generated in the color of the walls
 - It is also essential not to use artificial light that is projected only vertically. There ought to be the light that never is vertical, always on a slant and diverted. To achieve this you can use special additional lights, which are located in the roof.
- For the choice of colors is important to take into account the intensity of the same according to the natural light they receive. For example, those who enjoy sunlight in the morning are appreciated with greater intensity, while at the same time those who receive natural light in the afternoon are accentuated and smoothed out.
 - In the case of the environments that have windows to the north, such as the lobby or the terrace, the same never receive direct light, which is why their colors are never changes. 
 -In case than desired is to give a feeling of spaciousness to the environments, to the roof you can choose the color white, as it succeeds reflect the light of great way, allowing in the spaces there is greater amount of light available. On the other hand, if you use bright colors for the floor you will get the same results. 
 Whites have the particularity to reflect light in a 80 percent, and therefore require less light to the time of decorating environments. On the other hand, the dark colors are ideal for building intimate spaces, since they are able to absorb great way the light.


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